Tuesday, March 15, 2011

foodie weirds.

my child refuses to eat anything but dried fruit. it's a little bit ridiculous. he will eat the dried versions, but not the alive {what's the normal version called?} fruits. gone is the child so willing to eat everything we give him, he's now refusing food. so far today, we've eaten dried: strawberries, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, raisins, prunes, apricots, pineapple, bananas, and dates. actual bananas? nope. eggs? nope. just when you think you figure your kid out, they do something crazy. i'm sure in a couple of days he'll get tired of the fruit too and decide he won't eat those either. 

he really will not eat much i give him now. hot dogs? nope. ham? nope. pasta? nope. cheerios? nope. corn chex? yes. apples? nope. corn, peas carrots? nope. however, the tricky thing is, that he will eat all his baby food and rice cereal stuff. i'm beginning to think he might be a little lazy and knows i'll give into feeding him those as a back up plan. i need some ideas of what to feed this child, besides snacks. please give your suggestions, of what you a. fed your kid b. feed your kid or c. would like to eat yourself if you were a kid.

and since no post is good without a picture, here is what we look like in the morning:  yes, that is egg on his eye. and notice his hair cut, no longer a shaggy dog, though it is a big case of bed head.


  1. I believe that type of fruit is referred to as "fresh" fruit haha. Good luck feeding your cute little man!

  2. Hair cut is cute!! Speaking of hair, I think you should totally take the plunge and do the blonde ha ha. It rocks, like seriously!


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