Wednesday, March 2, 2011

honor code.

ok, i'll be honest and say that i'm not the biggest sports fan so byu basketball is not something i usually keep up with, despite how they are ranked #3, but yes, i am proud of them. so then i read on facebook that one of the players has been dismissed from the team because he had sex, and is awaiting to hear whether he got kicked out of school. nice. there are some times when i think byu is a little bit ridiculous. i am not saying at all that the honor code is bad, minus the stupid "you may not use the bathroom of the opposite sex" rule, but i think that stuff such as your sexual relationship should be kept between you and your bishop. yes, he made a mistake, but i know several students at byu who have had sex, yet worked it out with their bishop and are still going to school here, married in the temple and so forth. i just think that getting kicked off the team is a little extreme. i could understand going out and drinking, being reckless, doing something that effects how the team and byu looks, but sleeping with his girlfriend? really?

note: i am not saying that what he did was right at all, the honor code is there for a reason, but mistakes happen. no need for the whole entire world to know about it. and make him feel like crap. or his girlfriend for that matter, i bet her life's pretty terrible right now. so let's be a little more sympathetic byu and byu fans.


  1. seriously, though. this is really too bad that this happened. i understand that since byu is a private university they're allowed to have all the crazy rules they want (no beards? seriously?) but i think there's a difference between someone breaking a rule and being punished and someone breaking a rule and being punished, judged, and humiliated. Not to mention since that person isn't the only one that is going to endure all that. it's things like this that i understand why people have such a problem with the people of the church. because we have high standards, some people feel they are free to judge those they deem less than perfect than them.

    seriously, i'm glad you're so down to earth on this. there are too many crazies at byu ;)

  2. we just saw that too. that is so sad.... i can't believe it got out. i totally agree that it should be private. i know people that have messed up too and are still going to school at BYU. oh I feel so bad for him...

  3. i definitely agree! people are being so rude, and i think it should be his own business what goes on his private life. just because he broke the honor code doesn't mean he should be kicked off the team. so lame!

  4. i agree i feel way bad for him and his girl. But at the same time it is giving byu a ton of publicity. Granted not all of it good publicity, but at least some people are aware we stand of something!


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