Thursday, June 16, 2011

baby big kid.

i feel like i haven't posted about the beast in quite some time. probably because all i've done is go on vacation and rant about our movers. {have i mentioned our stuff still isn't here??!} so, so i don't forget, here is the little man at 14 months now!

- he still does not walk. nor is he getting close to doing it by himself. he just started reaching for us so he could walk with us, sooo hopefully we're moving in the right direction. we may just have the laziest kid on the planet. we've tried all the tricks to get him to keep walking after we let go, and he just sits right down and crawls. it's ridiculous.
- he loves any corner of anything soft. usually it's his two blankies, {one of which we keep in the car to make for happier trips. he will literally sit there, rub the corners of it and suck his thumb and not make one peep, which is impressive for the child who talks ALL the time}but if the blankie isn't there, it's the corner of the washcloth in the bath, mom's pillow, dish towels etc etc.

 - he uses almost anything like a phone, holding it up to his ear... things such as his toy cell phone, ours, remotes, muffins, his hand, etc etc.
- he can say "hi-ya"- hi "ti-tty"- kitty, "na-na"- banana, "momamamama"- momma, "dadadadadada"- dad "tank to"- thank you "uh-oh"- self explanatory
- he understands so much more than we thought he did, so far he knows the words: book, ball, ipod, shoe, shark, sippy, treats, bath, snickers, wait, all done, more, be soft, blankie, bed time, and others i'm sure, i just can't remember. we can tell with most of the nouns because he'll go get the item when we tell him to. i tried to get a video of it, but he gets distracted by it and refuses to cooperate.

- he loves his shark. best $20 at ikea we ever spent.

- he has gotten much better at not throwing things over the edge of his high chair, he now holds it out and waits for us to come get it, love that!
- he can point to what he wants! also love that!!

- since moving here, he's learned how to go backwards down the stairs. considering there's three sets of them, that makes it very handy.

- he has become even more ridiculously cheesy. he's very much the entertainer child and will put on a show for anyone besides his parents, especially at dinner time. that results in screaming, sporadic laughing, shoving too much in his mouth and somewhat choking/spitting it out etc etc.
besides the fact that he still does not walk, he is quite a little man. he's got his own agenda now, pulling us to where he wants to go and yelling when we don't listen. as much of a hassle it will be when he can walk, i can't wait! he's been crawling for 6 months!


  1. You have no right to the "laziest kid on the planet" title. Markus wins that one hands down. He is almost 12 months now and is just barely sitting up. I can't leave him sitting up without putting something soft for him to land on and he has just barely started to get up on his knees, but not anywhere close to starting to crawl. He sounds like he is loving the new place!! I can see Markus in him in that picture of Levi holding him right after a bath it looks like! That is fun. I hope you get your stuff soon!

  2. I sure hope your stuff gets there soon! We got the little dolphin from ikea like your shark, and my littlest one sleeps with it every night!! Its the best thing ever!

  3. look at him growing up!! its the best when they understand and then actually do what you are saying!! can't wait to see ya'll soon!!

  4. Love it! I'm just realizing how good of a mix your child is! He looks like you and levi! :)

    Can't wait for Henry to be able to communicate. Sounds like you're having a blast with him.


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