Thursday, June 9, 2011

so close yet so far.

we thought by now we'd have 90% of our boxes unpacked, and would be living the california dream. are we you ask? nope, that's not the case. how many boxes do we have here? 20, the ones we brought with us on the drive. are we living the california dream? temporarily.... but not nearly as much as we could be.

{this is how i felt too while waiting all day for them... he actually just didn't want to touch the grass, but his face is awesome} 

let's back up.... movers are supposed to arrive last monday-- tuesday as their back up day. when did they come? tuesday at 6:00 pm. did they tell us 24 hours ahead of time? no. did they tell us we were supposed to have 1/2 our payment ready in cash or money order? no. {luckily the guy took pity on us, and just took our $250.00 instead of $750.00. did they tell us it was going to cost double the estimate? yes, as soon as they got there. lovely. but we got it packed up and on it's way, starting to live the dream heading west. =)

{the end} 

 {longboarding with josh. apparently he thinks it's cool} 

 {snickers is worried. and hates being locked in her bathroom}

 {stuffed to the brim. literally... there was stuff on top too. we figured, hey why not stuff the cars and the movers will cost less right? wrong.}

 {this lasted all of getting to orem, aka 15 minutes}

{this was the rest of the trip. he was fierce. and bored. and very tired of sitting in the car after half an hour. needless to say, it was a long drive to reno} 

when we finally arrived in reno, 10 hours later {it usually only takes 8} the child decided to sleep the next 24 hours. literally.... he took a 5 hour nap the next day when i was trying to go to home goods to score some things for our place, so we went to lunch at 3:00 instead of 12:00. he had had a fever the couple days before, and that along with the car ride made for an enjoyable move. it has taken almost a week for him to recover and not be as sad/whiny/miserable. thank goodness. i called the moving company to get our new estimate for the move, and they didn't have it yet. figures. nor did they know when it was going to get to our place. also figures. 

we spent thursday with my fam and then drove down on friday morning... we got our keys, unloaded our stuffed car and then headed for the beach house to make the rest of our move peaceful and enjoyable. minus the pouring rain saturday, it was delightful. baby was slowly recovering, i had deeeelicious waffles with carmelized bananas at the cafe down the street and the sunshine was wonderful. 

{doesn't that just look fake? it's not. it's our view. talk about fantastic}

our stuff was supposed to be here between saturday and tuesday keep that in mind... we went home sunday in case they came monday, so we wouldn't have to drive an hour and a half and slept like we have the rest of the past month it feels like, on air mattresses. monday comes.... no calls from the movers. i called over the weekend and left a nasty message saying i wanted my estimate and when it was going to be there. nothing.

tuesday comes, the last day our stuffs supposed to be here, and we're going to ikea to buy a fantastic couch, that has a hideabed and a chaise lounge. lo and behold, the movers call on the way! no, not to tell me that our stuff is going to be there that evening, but to say it won't be there until saturday... anger. and then ikea apparently doesn't sell our couch anymore until august. i may or may not have almost had a breakdown in the store. 

after my slight breakdown, we ended up buying a kitchen table, i think my husband took pity on me and bought it because it was the only one i liked. he's so nice.  

we also got some nightstands, and a chair for the living room, since we have nothing to sit on. it is thursday now, and we still have not heard from the movers, they were supposed to call back and give me a lower price because i was very angry, but they have not. story of our life. they probably took our stuff and ran. good thing it's not worth much. 

anyways, getting past my extreme resentment for global moving & storage, california is awesome! our place is fantastic, and .3 miles away from Nordstrom Rack {woot woot}, Joann's, Target, Sweet Tomatoes, Home Depot, Chipotle, Starbucks, the mall etc etc. minus the thousands of cemeteries around, colma has a lot going for it. it's pretty much rad. it gets sunny around lunch time every day and is about 65 degrees all the time. 

how zak and snickers feel: 

while having nothing to unpack, i spent this past week thrifting away, and i am loving it! here are some of my scores: 

i got this awesome lamp for $6.00, it was originally blue, so i painted it copper and then sanded it down to show some of the blue. i dig it. my husband does not like spray paint or seeing the sandpaper scratches, but i think it's kinda unique. also, i'm not sure what to do with the shade, but it does need to be cleaned, that's for sure. 

i got this awesome treasure for $7.00! we haven't decided what to do with it yet, we're waiting until our entertainment center gets here, but it is awesome. check out the knob, the whole reason i bought it. 

this high chair had a huge divet in the tray and was a nasty color oak. man, i should have taken before pictures. i filled it in with wood putty and painted it green to match our kitchen, and think it looks awesome. levi again, not a big fan of spray paint, but doesn't abhor it as much as he thought he would. 

my sugar and flour containers, $5.00 a piece. yes and yes. they are awesome. and huge. 

this crystal jar was $2.00. it had a lid with it, but levi said it looked like it should hold whiskey so i took it off. but i filled it with $3.00 marble things i got at target. it's going to go in our entertainment center cubby things. 

i got this little gem for $2.25. right now it's our crap holder... i'm not sure what we will actually use it for, but it's handy to hold the receipts to things we're going to return. 

and now,  i am very excited to debut our house on here, please forgive the air mattresses, boxes and suitcases... i figured by now we'd have stuff settled at least, but no. so real pictures will come soon, until then you can see our makeshift house. 

the kitchen. is even more fabulous in person. it's huge. and new. minus the sink, it's gay and tiny, but i can deal with that. 

downstairs bathroom, which looks very bare from this picture. we need some decorating ideas for this. there's a rack going over the toilet, but we have no tools to put it up yet. 
 i do really love the colors in here though. i found some awesome tins in goodwill that match and have french stuff written on them, but i forgot to take a picture of them. 

PANTRY. win. end of story. many dollars at costco later, and it's still not even close to being full! 

 midget closet but bigger! it is a dumb coat closet with no coat rack though, that we will be working on... 

our living room. it need some stuff in it. like a couch {stupid ikea} and a tv and entertainment center. but it's still awesome. 

the office/grandma's sleeping quarters for the last several days. i can't wait for my craft desk! 

the stairs. 

our closet. please disregard our tons of clothes on the floor/shelves. we were very excited to get our stuff out of the suitcases they've been in since the end of april, so this is much improved. 

our room. you know you like our legit bed. the lamps look weird in this picture, but they're really cute in person, i'll have to get a better picture of them. 

the view from our room. it looks tiny down there! 

zak's room. 

he has the sweet bathroom. and side by side closets for all of our camping stuff we never use. 

i really love my shower curtain. i think i'm going to use this bathroom just so i can look at it. 

the cat has claimed his bathroom as hers, and will let you know it if you try and pee in the middle of the night. you will almost sit on her. 

this is zak's shark. he needs to sleep with it every night. and it is huge. i should post a video of how much he loves it, because it's hilarious. 

our patio, with the flowers i bought. sunflowers, gerber daisys and begonias. i also painted those pots. well, the shiny ones... no plastic looking ones for me. we're legit here. =) 
that is our place for the moment. it will get better with my superior decorating skills. haha, just kidding, but i am very excited to get going on it. hopefully sometime in the future our stuff will get here so we can do that. 

man, i just scrolled up and this post is ridiculously long. sorry guys. least it's not only about our child for once right? =) 


  1. These are the Good ole Days!! Lots of memories to be had of San Fran!! Looks like things will come together soon! Love the view and the fact that you are warm and not wet!! Fun post Miss Melissa!!

  2. hey hey, so far so good!! now all you need is for your stuff to be stolen so you can get all new/thrift store stuff haha! no i hope it gets there so and we can come visit!! i would deffinatly try to get them to lower your price after all they have put you through though!! what jerks!! well if you need anything im only 2hrs away!!

  3. Read every single word in your blog post. Be proud of me.

    Sorry about the lame movers. I hope you get your stuff soon and make sure they give you a killer deal for it.

  4. Movers are the worst kind of people! We miss y'all, but looks like you are going to really enjoy that new place. The view is gorgeous!

  5. I have to agree...That shower curtain is FABULOUS!


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