Sunday, August 21, 2011

birthday wins.

it was my birthday on thursday. i turned 22 to be exact. for some reason i feel like i've been older than 22 for a long time. maybe it's that i have a child. or that everyone else we hang out with is significantly older. or that i'm so mature, i don't really know. but i was kind of shocked that i was only turning 22, so it wasn't a particularly special day. levi had school, and i had to teach a class for church that night, so we spent the day not together or doing anything fun. however, he did go to in n out and get me a burger when i was done teaching. and some donuts. so win for my spouse being awesome. 

but he did surprise me with tickets to this on friday night {another win for my spouse}:
{unfortunately, i took no pictures of us dressed up all fancy to document the occasion. lame, i know}
that's right, he surprised me. usually i know all my presents. even if he doesn't tell me. i'm a very good guesser. but i was shocked. he's not really a musical kind of guy, so it was amazing. our night was a little more of an adventure, involving the place we were going to eat for dinner only being open for lunch, wandering around downtown sf trying to find someplace quicker to eat, and picking a gross place. waiting for buses in wrong areas {i hate public transportation fyi.}, getting out of the show at 11:00 to wait for the bus with creepy people. getting off the bus at 11:30 and feeling like i'm seriously going to get mugged. waiting for the other bus to take us to our car, and then deciding to walk back to it, uphill 8 blocks {during which time the bus never came}. note to self: never take the bus again. i'd rather pay for parking. 

but minus those little quirks, it was a wonderful night, and a good show! any 12 year old that can dance and be the star of the show is amazing in my book. 

as for my other presents {because i know everyone cares so much} my wittle brother got me these fabulous things: 

my parentals got these sweet little diddies for me: 

love me some raybans. 

and my grandparents bought me this fabulous shirt, and contributed to my shopping fund. =) 

i made off like a bandit this year. my family always treats me so well, love them. =) here's to another year feeling older than my age says. hopefully that won't always be the case, and when i'm forty, i'll still feel like i'm 25. 


  1. happy birthday girly!!!! i feel lame for not being able to write on your wall my crazy birthday here it is...
    HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAppybirthdaytoyouhappybirthdaytoyouhappybirthdayDEEEEAAAAARRRRRMMMMEEEEELLLLLLIIIIISSSSSAAAAAAAAhappybirthdaytoyou :)...
    ok you have now officially been sung my happy birthday song.
    I'm glad you got so many things! It looks like you guys had a lot of fun! I'm so sad we didn't get to do a Melissa Birthday Dinner! We miss you guys!

  2. hey that sounded like a creepy night haha!! but im glad you liked your musical, i've never heard of it but thats not surprising!! but happy birthday im glad your at least 22 now you mature girl :)!


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