Wednesday, August 10, 2011

end table.

remember this ol' thing? my score at goodwill for $7.00. my husband and i disagreed on how to paint it. i wanted to revert back to my trusty ol' spray paint. and he wanted to sand it down and stain it. i gave in, and he sanded the top and a door, and it has sat outside on our patio since the middle of june. it drove me  absolutely crazy because it's huge, and was in the way. 

so, levi lost. and i decided to do it my way anyways. and i absolutely love it. 

 this spray nozzle is the most amazing thing i've ever bought. makes painting so much easier. 
my husband also came out and taught me "the correct way to spray paint" {like you paint a car apparently} and that made it much more even and smoother. he's so smart. 

this is the first time i used a primer, and i would definitely recommend it. when i sanded afterwards, the color showed through very well. 

this was also the first time i used a satin finish, instead of glossy. i would recommend that as well, and then add clear gloss at the end. it makes it much more smooth and shiny than just the paint. 
first coat

 second coat

 it's hard to see in the picture, but it is quite sanded and rustic looking. it is fabulous. 
and it's much better than the hideous mismatching wood it was before. my husband has somewhat renigged his thoughts on how spray paint sucks. it takes waay less time than actual painting and looks smoother. 

win for me. 


  1. ummm, I LOVE this so very much! I will be getting my spray paint out this weekend for some furniture lovin' also! Good job, girl!!

  2. I seriously love that you did this! you're so crafty! i love the look and wish i could be this artistic! you a have a gift, my friend.

  3. Hey, fun to see what the Lowry's are doing in San Fran! Cool end table for sure and I think these are the "Good Ole Days", doing stuff like spray painting the end table etc... Enjoy!!
    As for how I remember what I did a year ago on my trip, I journaled it and for the details I google quite a bit and try to put up the interesting stuff! (I cheat as much as I can:) Oh, and some stuff I actually do remember as the Middle East is one of my passions! Thanks for checking it out!


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