Sunday, August 7, 2011


this weekend my spouse and i had an anniversary getaway in redwood city {about 20 minutes south of us}. it was incredible. the beast went to grandma and grandpa's for the weekend, and we spent the time basking in the sun, eating out, going to movies and buying motorcycles. i had forgotten what it was like to spend time just the two of us. and talk about things other than how awesome our child is. 

i found us an amazing deal on a hotel on livingsocial for the weekend. it was a suite. with a huge tub and king sized feather bed, and included a delicious breakfast for each day. and a wine and cheese tasting as well.... next time ;) anyways, i rather like living large, i'll be honest.... it was very fun to feel rich and classy {and wear heels}for the weekend. 

we spent our first evening after levi got done school, eating on the patio of a delicious restaurant and seeing Crazy, Stupid Love. i would definitely recommend it. not very predictable, and steve carrell did an amazing job. 

saturday we went to filoli gardens. it's basically this victorian mansion with incredible decorations and incredible gardens. oh to be rich and be able to afford a house like this. 

3 years later, and we're still so attractive. 

we didn't spend a whole lot of time there, but it was amazing. just look at how lush everything is.  have i mentioned how much i love living here? because i do. we both do actually, where else do you get to see places like this when it's perfectly sunny and 75 degrees? 

we spent the rest of the day finding a motorcycle for the man. i actually rather like the one he chose. i feel it's a little more grownup and safer than the sport bike he really wanted. and you know, my nerdy husband on a motorcyle wearing leather is kinda sexy. tmi? probably. i had a very hard time looking at him on a bike without laughing, even when i was taking these pictures... but he is absolutely loving it, so that's all that matters. 

sidenote: yes he was wearing shorts while riding this, and he did burn his leg on the exhaust pipe, or whatever it's called. he wasn't wearing pants when he bought it, but we are all about covering up so he doesn't crash and get all road rashed. don't you worry. 

the motorcycle place took ages to get his paperwork done and bike inspected, so i ran to nordstrom's while levi was waiting and bought these bad boys as my anniversary present.  {no, i don't usually buy my presents myself, but i told levi i wanted shoes, and he said "we can buy whatever you want", and in the essence of saving time, i just went by myself. and plus, i was very tired of sitting in that store} they're so melissa eh? and yes, they are much more fabulous and shiny in person, in case you were worried. 
after we finished making our large purchases, we went to dinner at this place called saggio's. i found a groupon for them a few weeks ago, and it was delicious. and romantic. the kind of place that only serves beer and wine, no sodas. classy, eh? we sat on the patio again, basking in the warm weather and enjoying the slow pace at which they brought out our food. {not a place to ever go with our child} we were going to go see captain america, but it didn't start until 10:30, and to be honest, we were tired at like 9:00 {children ruin your night life, i tell you}. so we left, got dessert at this amazing little bakery and went back to go to sleep in our huge feather bed. 

unfortunately, the spouse had to come home and study for a test today, so we left this morning after a delicious breakfast with unlimited fresh squeezed OJ, but it was a very good trip, even if it was short. it was so nice to be able to spend time together by ourselves. we need to do it more often. 


  1. happy anniversary!! what a fun trip...we REALLY want to go to san fran for our anniversary, but i don't know if we can talk family into watching both of our kiddo's! we'll see...

  2. Happy anniversary forever late. I wish we'd been able to do that for our anniversary... maybe when we get a settled job. To the future!


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