Sunday, August 8, 2010

beach times 2.

well our summer of vacations has come to an end. and although it has been a fantastic summer {even better, because i've been in this gross heat for the least amount of time possible}, i'm ready to be home for a while and just plain ol' hang out. not get dressed, no make up, go to the water park ridiculous amounts, clean the house. boring shmoring stuff. weird how that actually sounds fun. but anyways, this week was great... what better way to spend the week while levi's at scout camp than in 65 degree weather at the beach? {not that i actually went to the beach, but i can hear the waves from my bed, and see it outside my window so that counts}

but in other news, baby learned to blow spit bubbles and roll over this week! i'm quite proud of him. he's become quite the little entertainer nowadays, smiling and gurgling drool all over the place. it's funny for the moment, until it becomes gross.

here are the pictures to our rolling over event. i will narrate what he thinks, because i know oh so well:
{what? why are you taking a picture of me?}

{ehh.... i don't really have any desire to roll over}

{ohh, well the camera is slightly motivating, maybe i'll try}

{it's too hard! i give up} 
[mr. octopus: "you can doooo it"]

{i hate this. it makes my belly feel like i'm going to barf}

{ohh, ohhh, maybe... maybe... you're such a good motivator mr. octopus!}


{that's tough business}

{ our finished product! huzzah huzzah!}

these next things are from the toy great grandma bought us to play with. mom will narrate that as well. 

{mom i'm busy, can you not see that? i'm playing here, get that camera outta my face}

{why hello mr. lion, i like talking to you too}

{mhmm... these are tasty. am i hungry? nah, i just wanna chop myself}

{ i don't really have words for this one, it just makes me laugh}

{please, just put me to bed, i'm so tired.}

well we didn't take many pictures of the actual beach this time, probably because it was overcast and colder, so we didn't venture outside much besides going on walks, so lots of pictures of baby is what you've got. 

{aren't his eyes just gorgeous? man... they're so blue}

{thumb sucking + mr. monkey = successful chilling}

{this is a sick picture of mom but i figured we had to document me being there at least once}

{we've learned how to hold things, and it's pretty much awesome. this is my new chomper}


  1. So, I was reading your blog at work and all of my coworkers have decided that you have and amazingly adorable little boy. We should know. We deliver 50 a day! : ) Just thought I'd pass that info on!

  2. He is getting so big! what a handsome little devil you've got there!! (and well traveled to boot!)


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