Saturday, August 14, 2010


although i'm not sure if it's exactly true, i'm going to blame my son being a little beasty on teething. i've been looking up a whole ton of stuff online because he is driving me crazy and it seems like he has ALL the symptoms of teething. major crankiness, not sleeping very well, chomping on everything known to man that he can put in his mouth, spitting up like a maniac,  drooling like a maniac a worse diaper rash, coughing/choking on drool etc etc.

however i feel like sometimes us moms just look for the symptoms so that we can blame it on something. i have no idea if he actually is or not.

but all i have to say is that i want my happy beasty back and not the crazy man he has become the last two days. i'd also like to not be spit up upon more than once a day, unlike the last two days when it's almost every single time i hold him. uggh.

on the plus side, baby rolls from back to tummy now too, not just tummy to back. he's so smart. now if only he would be happy too. just get those teethers already man.

1 comment:

  1. hey so were you getting pretty worried or a little upset that no one was commenting on your blog?!! personally i hate when people don't. its just nice to know people care to look at your blog but you wouldn't really know unless people commented. so im glad you fixed this problem of yours. and about teething, asher had his buds and you could tell the teeth were up there and he still didn't get teeth for atleast a month after that! so good luck cause its no fun


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