Thursday, September 15, 2011

best friends forever.

this week we got to spend some time at the beach with some of our favorite friends from provo: 

we spent a few days at the beach house-- playing, talking, eating sand, and being awesome. luckily the weather was fabulous until we were going home, so it was even better than expected =) 

isn't this picture awesome? my son is going to be a surfer, just like his dad.  

best friends. they even do the same things, at the same time. =)  

 he's so cute. 

asher is much cleaner than my son at the beach. he gets down and dirty, sliding head first into holes.  

 exhibit a of dirtiness:


there was a park right next to the beach that we spent a lot of time at too. the boys were in heaven. 

and because we couldn't leave without taking a photo together, enter the self timer! 

we had so much fun playing together! zak and asher are going to be best friends forever! 


  1. Zak is so cute and big!!! and i miss you so much! i'm sorry we didn't get to come visit you. it was a quick and last minute trip to San Fran to see Adam's cousin and after getting stuck in traffic Adam didn't want to go back, boo. :( I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!! :)


Leave some lovin'