Thursday, September 1, 2011


my son has no inhibition. 
this is him standing on the edge of the tub during bath time tonight. 
{and yes, i am the awesome parent who took a picture of this}

this is him laughing after he slipped, slide all the way down the side, and went face first under water. he thought it was hilarious. 

i've had several people this week tell me that i'm a very easy going parent {especially for being a first time parent}, and i have been pondering why {we always thought i would be the crazy one, and levi would be the easy going parent, but turns out it's the opposite, i let our kid climb in the bath tub, and levi freaks out. i might be kind of glad about that haha}....  anyways, my parenting belief is that: children learn from parent's reactions. if i make a big deal of something, he turns it into something 2 times bigger than i did {he's very dramatic} so i try to wait until i see his response before i do anything. 
not that responding differently is bad, this is just what works best for me and the beast. 

in any case, we have recently realized our child is going to be a daredevil. he is fearless. and when he crashes, 95% of the time, he just laughs it off. {or brushes his hands off, we taught him that's how to make things better, haha}. our kid will be the one with several broken bones when he's in elementary school, and he will think that having a cast is awesome.  

hopefully you don't think that i'm a crazy parent planning my child's accidents, i'm just preparing for it ahead of time. he has the personality to be that kid already

disclaimer:: i realize after reading through this post, it sounds like i let him do whatever he wants with no regard for his safety. that is not the case. when it is not a serious safety issue, i choose to let him learn and experience bumps and bruises because he will do it anyways and he think it's waaaay funnier when i get upset that i've told him "no" 900 times, and i personally would rather not get frustrated with him. please do not think that i am a neglectful parent who just sits there and lets my child do whatever he wants, we have spent a lot of time deeming what is "safe" and "not safe" and what is a battle worth fighting with our stubborn, independent child, and what is not. =) 


Leave some lovin'