Tuesday, September 6, 2011

september equals

fall. it may only be september 6th, but we are decorating for autumn already. and by we, i mean me. {like my spouse would ever decorate, or care to}. anyways,  i feel like i can decorate so much better here than in our old place, or it could be that i have more time on my hands. either one.

 here is my DIM {do it myself} for the day: 

i made my first penant flag out of scrapbook paper. i think i still like the fabric better, but this worked. i cut the letters out with my cricut, so that made it a whole lot easier, and then modpodged everything to make it a little more durable. 

i bought a packet of 300 sheets of seasonal scrapbook paper at Joann's for $7.50 today, so technically this cost me like $.25 or something ridiculous like that. 

this is apparently a terrible picture, but i repainted these ugly frames i bought from the dollar store last year to be creme, and then wrote the "i heart autumn" on one, and found the other subway art on google.

and i bought the cool centerpiece last year from walmart for $5.00. i wish we had walmart here....  
i can't wait to get more decorations. i love to be festive. 

and because no post is complete without an awesome picture of us, please enjoy this moment my mom captured while we were modeling for her:
if looks could kill.... 


  1. i love your decorations!! i need to have a cute house to decorate. but alas... i don't. jealous!! :)

  2. Why can't I be as craftsy as you? I think I am seriously excited to be done unpacking and moving in so I can feel okay having fun with my craft stuff =P


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