Thursday, September 8, 2011


two posts in one day? gasp! i know, my life is so thrilling that i need to post twice. but i had the privilege of wandering into this store with some friends down in burlingame today and i loved it more than i usually do online. i'll be honest, i've never actually walked into a store {shocking, i know}, i've only stalked their very expensive website. 

and when we went in today, i fell in love. however, the only thing i could afford were some knobs for my dressers. however, my dressers don't even have knobs, and that was a terrible terrible thing. 
 so, the next best thing was.... 
dun dun duuuuun. the crib. 

{ew, there are gross baby fingerprints all over, don't look at them}
aren't they awesome? i laugh a little when i see them on there, but the baby loves them so that's all the matters.

but i will say that i bought three of them for a price of one {$8.50}, because i'm that good at scouring the sale rack. and because i always say, no post is complete without zakary, here you go:
can't you just see where he gets all his good looks from?? ;) minus my stink eye of course. haha also, his hair is mohawked in case you couldn't tell. dad cut it to be awesome!


  1. I LOVE THAT STORE!!! And when I'm not knocked up and thinner, I'm totally going on a shopping spree there....seriously. I. LOVE. IT.


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