Sunday, September 18, 2011


yesterday we had the pleasure to go here: 

{the oakland temple incase you didn't know. my parents were sealed here back in the day.}

our stake had a temple trip, but with our child, we didn't actually go inside. but that's ok, we just watched the primary kids while their parents went in. 

aren't my boys just so handsome?? yes, they are. 

the weather was fantastic. we had an amazing time. and got some fabulous pictures. 

my kid is so cute. 


  1. I love that temple. My parents were sealed there too =)

  2. You so totally rock for watching kids. I mean, I wasn't willing to do it. I'd rather stay home and pluck my eyebrows. (did i really just say that? oops) I mean really though, I hope you get crazy blessing for your service ;) I know our family appreciated it like MUCHO!

  3. Looks like a gorgeous day at the temple and gosh you have a good looking little family!

  4. Ya, handsome family for sure!! Can't wait to come to California! I'm working on a collage of the kids and I would love a picture of the Lowrys from 2010 or 2011. Could you email me a copy of your favorite family photo?


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