Sunday, August 9, 2009

Dinner and a Show.

Well last night, we went to Showtime Utah, which was really entertaining. It was a little different than we thought it was going to be, but it was still fun. The band that played was called Dyer Highway and was made up of these siblings, ages 16, 13,12. They were amazing! I've never seen someone play the violin as well as the 13 yr old did. It was very impressive. Anyways, here are some pics
This is the "deputy" we asked to take our picture, but wanted us to remember him forever. I told him I'd put this on my blog, so here he is.

Us at our table.

Everytime we go to a dinner theatre, without fail, Levi gets called up to do something. This is him can-caning because he stole alcohol, which is also prohibited in the town lol

This is the bottle of Budweiser Levi stole. The glass next to it is an 8 oz glass. He's a heavy drinker, what can I say?

This is my playing the "bone" with the band.It literally was a honking bone, and my job was to keep time on the bucket. Good thing I know how to do that. Miss Ruby (the woman to the right) told me that "my cute husband wants to take a picture of me" (in her southern drawl) and instead of looking like I'm laughing, I just look like I'm having a really really really good time lol

All in all, it was a successful anniversary evening for us, here's to 100 more!

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