Sunday, August 16, 2009


Well, I have officially decided to begin up my exercise routine since I have not done it in ages and I can feel it already lol. Me and Caitlin have begun walking aka "working out" since we both hate running and need something to do and that has been quite successful (even though we've only done it once, it was quite good in the rain). And the grandmother took us to costco this weekend and bought me a Wii Fit. It's an amazing piece of equipment. I love it cuz it measure your BMI, then your weight and then you have to make a goal to accomplish in two weeks. It's pretty cool, I feel like I actually can keep track of what I'm doing for the first time ever. And some of it is hard!! I have been getting pro at the hula hoop and the sides of my stomach hurt!! It's so fun! I have done it for like an hour today. Totally worth the $80 investment because you can do it anytime. Plus, the more you do it, the more you get to unlock. I also love the yoga stuff. It feels good! We're gonna be in good shape for this baby! For the first time since I've been in college, I think I will steadily be working out.

This week's a little crazy. The fam is in town for education week, my birthday is on tuesday!! and we go to canada on friday. Holy cow.

1 comment:

  1. Go us! We are going to be smoking hot mamas with all this exercise! :)


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