Monday, August 10, 2009


So naturally, I have begun to think more seriously about baby names.... and since I have been looking at the Chinese calendar, I have realized that according to this, I have a 93% chance our baby's going to be a boy. Which is a little sad, considering everyone I know right now is having a boy, but I'm just going to plan on it so that if I do have a girl, I'll be really really really excited.

Anyways, my top baby names:

1. Jackson (love, love, love!)
2. Pierson
3. Carson
4. Isaac
5. Ethan

1. Chloe
2. Olivia
3. Carly
4. Gabrielle
5. Riley

for both of my lists, I tend to run with "n" names for boys and "y/e" names for girls. Apparently I'm not that original but that's ok. I still love them all. =) Comments?


  1. I like how many of these names were kids in our preschool. :) I like them a lot! Good Choices!

  2. Aww! I think Lucas would date any of the girl names...and be friends with the boy names. I love the name Jackson...Jackson Lowry...cute. Olivia Lowry...kinda rolls off the tongue. :)

  3. awwww Carson! :):):):):) you WOULD! ;) LOVE IT!


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