Wednesday, August 5, 2009


So, as we all can tell from this blog, I have an addiction to shopping, which my husband quietly does not approve of. So while he was gone camping all last week, I bought these adorable sandals from steve madden to wear at Tashina's wedding in a couple weeks. They were on sale for $30.00 and I got free shipping. Score for Melissa!!!

Anyways, today I got this coupon for 25% off plus free shipping for the rest of the month as many times as I want! Now my husband is going to kill me if I buy another pair, since we have expenses like our anniversary, my birthday and driving to Canada coming out of our budget soon. Soo, I'm trying to rise above the coupon temptation. But I now know what people who have addictions feel like... Just one more won't kill me.... I seriously need to work on this! I am going to cut myself off for a while, at least until I go to Canada because the exchange rate allows me to buy things cheaper up there than down here =)

But if anyone wants to buy some fabulous shoes and get 25% off let me know =) I think you will be able to use it too since it's just a promo code but I'm not 100% sure. Worth a try though right?


  1. That's what he gets for going out of town! Ummm...steve madden huh? yes please... pass it a long. I need new shoes before the missionary comes home.. you know Melissa we should go shopping together next week...yes??

  2. I love them! What are you wearing with them? They are adorable.


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