Thursday, July 30, 2009


So, I found out today that they have too many girls in the morning kindergarten for Fall, so if I want to work there I need to switch all my classes around so I can work in the afternoon. So, I'm sitting here trying to switch them but I can't because my account is on hold because I have not paid my stupid student health insurance yet because I haven't gotten my pell grant. Argh.

And another thing? Why does it seem like all of the Early Childhood classes are at random times so that none of them line up smoothly in a good solid chunk of time? I don't know, but it's extremely annoying. Or, they only offer one section of the class, at night time, with 25 people accepted. Stupid. Levi gets his schedule lined up from 8-1, all in a row, MWF and that's all he has. Stupid biochemistry.

Who needs college anyways?

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