Thursday, July 30, 2009

All is Well.

Well, my last post I was a little irritated. But several hours later, I have paid my freaking expensive health plan, rearranged my classes, and the only one I will have to get an add/drop card for is my technology class so all is well. And on the plus side, I get to quit my job tomorrow!!!

Also, I went to Platos closet today and got this faaabulous pair of jeans.... I then went home and realized that I have gained a few pounds in the last year of being married because some of the pants I bought before we got married no longer fit quite as nicely. Last year, I had over 25 pairs of jeans I had collected through the years, the beginning of this past fall I narrowed it down to about 15ish and tonight I narrowed it down to about 6 pairs. Which is quite depressing in my opinion.

So, this has motivated me to begin working out even though I hate being sweaty and the whole concept of running. But alas, I found an answer to my problem. I found these classes BYU offers at night time to the community for exercise. I am signing up for a water aerobics class, I feel so old saying that... but it solves the whole sweaty problem. It's $44.00 for the whole semester for 3 classes a week! It's super super cheap! I am really excited about it. They offer some other ones like yoga and pilates and step and stuff but this is the one for me! Any one interested? This could be us! =)

1 comment:

  1. haha you're a goober! I'll totally exercise with you in the winter though... ps come to california while I'm at home. We can go to disneyland together!!!


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