Thursday, July 23, 2009


I went swim suit shopping today and got two swim suits for $25.00 total. One of them was $5.00 at target, and the other one was $20.00 at JCPenny. I already have brown bottoms so I went to find more tops that matched.

This is like the one from Target, except it's brown.

This is the like the one from JCPenny. It has a little bit smaller print. But it's still fabulous. =)

I feel like I had a victory today for buying these for so much less money than I thought I would. I gave myself a limit of $35.00 and I succeeded. I have a hard time finding swim suits that fit, having such a long torso, but these work! Hurrah!


  1. that red one is one of the ones i was looking at! boo! i'm so glad one of us got it. :)


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