Sunday, July 19, 2009

Heat and other things.

It has been so incredibly hot here the last couple days that I am extremely thankful that we have air conditioning. A swamp cooler is just not effective in this heat. We have spent the days at this lovely place called Seven Peaks which is a water park in Provo. We love it and have gotten our money's worth of our season pass. It cost us about $50.00 for the pass to go whenever we want and to just get in one day it's $25.00.... So basically you go twice and you get your money's worth. We love it. Here is a picture of the slides, I got it off the internet so I have no idea who these random kids are.
So, the past couple days we have had this cat sitting on our porch meowing really sadly, wanting to come in. It made me really sad, and I asked Levi if we could keep it but he said no. So, I fed it the one time and took a can of wet cat food out to the grass and gave it to it, because it looked extremely hungry. Levi said I shouldn't do anything with it because now it knows that I'll give it food. Well that's true, it did come back. Plus, I think it can smell Snickers as well. I felt really bad for the kitty. I'm a sucker for stray animals, however it doesn't really look like a stray. It's coat is nice and not all mangled and it's not super skinny. It's also really really friendly like our baby now. I decided that if we keep it I'm going to name it Reeses' so that we can have 2 candybars in the house. Levi's condition on keeping the cat is that we take it to the pound, and if no one claims it or adopts it before they go to euthanize it, we can keep it. I'm not sure if I want another cat, however it would be fun to watch ours play together. But we have yet to catch it. It has a tail like the cat I used to have whose name was Smoochy. Its like a half tail, and big and poofyand it struck a cord in my little heart.
This is what it looks like. Isn't it cute? She was adorable, but I know that we can't get another one. She is precious though.

1 comment:

  1. i've seen this cat around a lot. i don't know who it belongs to


Leave some lovin'