Friday, March 19, 2010

movie review numero uno.

so, first one to cross off my list of Oscar winning movies-- Up in the Air.

feelings: it was pretty good, i can see why people raved about it this awards season. it left you with something to think about, it was really cool actually. =) i left feeling a little bit more depressed, however it is about someone who has the job of firing people.... so i don't know what i was really expecting. george clooney? always gorgeous and fabulous. anna kendrick? she did a great job- moved out of her twilight-ness very well.

overall: i would highly recommend watching it.

don't watch if: you don't like listening to the f-word. it's in there quite frequently. not that i'm excusing it, but it's used in context, not just for fun, like when the people are angry for getting fired for instance.

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