Saturday, March 27, 2010

quilty quilt.

We got our quilt today! I am so so so excited! My aunt Allyson makes them, and she did a fantastical job! I love it because it looks normal from far away, but up close the embroidery is amazing! She put little fishies and seaweed at the bottom and waves at the top. Ohhh it makes me so happy.

Two weeks! And now Zakary can come because he has bedding!

i LOVE the stuff on the back too! It's called Minky, if you ever want to buy some to make a quilt

it's kind of hard to see in pictures, but this is some of the seaweed at the bottom. =)
♥ ♥ ♥


  1. so so so cute! ahhh i love it! can't wait to meet baby zak :)

  2. This is adoreable. I can't wait to see it!


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