Wednesday, March 3, 2010

who knew?

who knew that picking out fabric for a quilt could be so dang difficult? i sure didn't. maybe that's why i've never sewn before.... i take that back, i have sewn, just not a quilt. anyways, my lovely aunt is going to be making our quilt for us, and i have decided that since it was such a hassle, i'm just going to go with a cool colored quilt instead of something piratey.

who knew that my husband and i would have opposite tastes in everything? i sure didn't. everything i like, he doesn't and vice versa. he also says that i pick the wrong time of the day to discuss it with him, buuut night time is when i'm sitting here looking at the fabric trying to decide what to do with it.

who knew fabric was so expensive? i didn't. holy cow, this stuff is both a time and money investment. i give props to the people, like my inlaws who make them all the time for gifts. all i gotta say is that zakary better be grateful and love his blankie to the death.

so these are some of the fabrics that i love love love. i'm missing 3 other colors on here, but they're all similar basically. i think that they are fabulous, and look really really cool together. they don't really look super cool all small like this, if you click on the picture you'll see the cool marbley-ness. i also love the "minky" fabric that goes on the back that's really soft and squishy. yes, i do know my quilting terms oh so well. levi thinks that these are just "ok", probably because the set of them is going to cost me about $45.00, we'll see how much his opinion is really going to matter on this one, not that i don't value his opinion and his money saving choices.... i just really want this to look awesome, and this way it does. =)

1 comment:

  1. precious! i love it. pshhh what does levi know? he is a boy. i think it's fabulous!


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